Risk factors for liver cancer

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Risk factors for liver cancer

Liver cancer is a serious type of cancer that is common and is the number one cause of cancer death in Thai men. Which found more โปรโมชั่น ufabet males than females. And there are two types of cancer that are most common in Thailand: and bile duct cancer.

In the early stages there are no symptoms. Until the tumor begins to expand, the body will not be able to maintain balance, causing liver function abnormalities, resulting in symptoms. Unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen.

If you have any of these symptoms or are at risk of developing such a disease, you should see a doctor immediately to receive a diagnosis and receive proper treatment. Or should you undergo liver cancer screening to reduce the risk that may occur in the future

Risk factors for liver cancer

1. Hepatitis virus The majority of liver cancer cases, 75-80 percent, occur in patients infected with the hepatitis virus. 50-55% are infected with the hepatitis B virus and 25-30% infect with the hepatitis C virus. People who are carriers of the hepatitis B virus have a 100% higher risk of liver cancer than people who are not. 400 time

2. Have cirrhosis
3. Drink alcohol Studies have found that if you drink 41-80 grams of alcohol per day, your risk of liver cancer is 1.5 times higher, and if you drink more than 80 grams per day, your risk is 7.3 times higher than those who don’t drink or drink. Drink less than 40 grams of alcohol per day.4. Alflatoxin It is cause by certain types of fungi found in foods such as beans, corn, and dried chilies. People who are found to have alflatoxin have a 5.0-9.1 times risk of developing compared to people who are not detecte. Such substances in the body

People in the risk group for liver cancer
Risk groups that should be screene

1. Patients with cirrhosis, both female and male. The incidence is as high as 1-4% per year.

2. Patients with chronic hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus. or those who have infecte with hepatitis B since birth or childhood and do not have cirrhosis. But there is a higher risk in men over 45 years of age and women over 50 years of age or with a family history of cancer.

3. Chronic hepatitis C virus patients. Including patients who have received treatment and have recovered.

Methods for detecting
1. Radiology examination, including ultrasound examination. Computerized x-ray examination Electromagnetic X-ray examination An injection of contrast material may use to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis.2. Detection of the level of alpha-fetoprotein. Which may be found to be higher in patients with liver cancer

How to prevent it

1. Eat proper food. Avoid the risk of eating ground beans and dried chilies. Which may contaminate with alpha toxins And should exercise regularly.

2. Refrain from drinking alcohol and cigarettes.

3. Should vaccinated against hepatitis B. In cases where there is no immunity.

4. In cases where liver cirrhosis is already present. You should get blood tests and see your doctor regularly. and regular upper abdominal ultrasound every 6-12 months to monitor