If we don’t have a bowel movement every day or have irregular bowel movements, don’t think it’s normal. Because if we have irregular bowel movements, we will become constipated and have other health effects. Constipation affects both the body and the mind. Many people feel stressed, have a loss of appetite, are not refreshed, have headaches, backaches, and a burning sensation in the chest.
In addition, the constant straining to pass stool can cause many negative consequences, such as:
- It causes hemorrhoids or ulcers around the anus from dry, hard feces scraping the blood vessels until they rupture.
- Chronic constipation leading to symptoms of intestinal obstruction, including severe abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, failure to pass gas, and failure to defecate.
- Causing increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, which can cause a hernia.
- Weakens the pelvic muscles, causing inability to hold urine.
Constipation can be caused by many factors, such as eating foods that are low in fiber, not drinking enough water, not exercising, pregnancy, taking certain medications, or having inappropriate bowel movements for a period of time, such as irregular bowel movements or holding in stool frequently, which causes the body to absorb too much water until the stool becomes hard, สมัคร ufabet, etc.
Solving constipation problems to get back to smooth bowel movements with simple methods in daily life.
Drink more water. We should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day or at least 2 liters a day. We should start the day by drinking water after waking up help the body’s waste excretion work more efficiently. And we should drink warm water or water at room temperature. Water also helps the food transport in the intestines easier, making it easier for us to excrete.
Exercise regularly. You should exercise regularly for about 30 minutes a day, such as brisk walking or jogging. Also, try to move your body frequently in your daily life to help increase intestinal contractions, allowing your muscles and digestive system to function more normally, making it easier for us to excrete.
Increase your dietary fiber intake. Vegetables and fruits are foods that contain fiber or dietary fiber that helps with excretion. We should eat at least 20-30 grams of dietary fiber per day or eat at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruits per day because dietary fiber helps stimulate intestinal contractions and improves excretion. Vegetables and fruits that are high in dietary fiber include green leafy vegetables such as kale, broccoli, Chinese kale, spinach, etc. or fruits such as oranges, papaya, strawberries, avocado, etc., making it easier for us to excrete.