The length of time that fruit can be store depends on the type of fruit and the storage method use. Therefore, there is no definitive answer to how long fruit can be store. Some fruits can be store for weeks or months, while others may have a shorter shelf life. For example, bananas or apples can be store longer than fruits like strawberries and tangerines.
Most ripe fruits that have been picked from the tree will take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide gas, causing the fruit to gradually ripen. If left like this at room temperature or in a very hot place, the fruit will become soft and mushy and eventually rot. Reveal techniques for keeping fruit fresh and delaying spoilage.
Do not wash the fruit in advance.
It is a good idea not to wash fruits immediately after purchase to maintain their freshness. Washing fruits immediately may allow moisture to enter the skin of the fruits, causing the fruits to lose their freshness faster. Therefore, fruits should be store in a dry place with proper ventilation and wash before consumption to remove dirt and toxins that may contaminate the skin of the fruits. Especially if the fruits have digestive juices on the outside, such as apples or strawberries, ufabet, the fruits should be wash thoroughly before consumption to reduce the risk of infection and toxins that may be on the skin of the fruits.
Store fruits in the refrigerator or freezer.
Storing fruits in the refrigerator is a way to help them stay fresh longer, but it requires creating the right environment for the fruits to keep them as fresh as possible.
- It should kept in a refrigerator with a temperature control of 3-5 degrees Celsius. It should not kept below 13 degrees Celsius and the humidity should about 85 percent.
- If your refrigerator is too cold or it is winter, put the fruit in a paper bag or a plastic container and refrigerate it to prevent the fruit from freezing or being expos to excessive cold.
- Ventilation holes should be provided, such as by punching holes in the bag or using a plastic box with ventilation holes.
Storage in a dry place with good ventilation also helps reduce humidity and prevent premature mold. In addition, choosing a storage place with air circulation, oxygen, and low humidity also helps to maintain the quality and freshness of the fruit for a long time without causing the fruit to rot faster. Therefore, storing fruits in a place with air circulation, oxygen, and low humidity is a good way to maintain the quality and freshness of fruits in the long term.
However, the ideal temperature for storing fruits may vary depending on the type of fruit and the needs of each type. The temperature should be check and adjust according to the fruit being store to maintain the best quality of the fruit.